Sport Rehabilitation Stevenage

Sport rehabilitation is a profession specializing in sport and exercise based healthcare, conforming to strict codes of conduct and professional practice.

The increasing number of people participating in sport and exercise at all levels combined with the nationwide drive to make England healthier, means that there is a definite need for exercise and rehabilitation professionals who can work alongside and supplement existing healthcare professionals. Injury prevention, recognition and evaluation of injury, immediate care and management of individuals are all services offered - this service is the link between your injury and being able to return to full training.

A Graduate Sport Rehabilitator (GSR) is a graduate level autonomous healthcare practitioner specializing in musculoskeletal management and by identifying weak links in musculoskeletal kinetic chains and biomechanics can design and implement exercise based rehabilitation. GSR’s are trained in sport and exercise based healthcare that is applicable and tailor-made to everybody from the elite athlete to the couch potato!

For more information please contact the Spine & Wellness Centre located inside Active4less and see how this service can help you!